/* * LobUpdate.sql * Chapter 16, Oracle10g PL/SQL Programming * by Ron Hardman, Mike McLaughlin, Scott Urman * * This script demonstrates LOB updates */
CREATE TABLE book_samples ( book_sample_id NUMBER (10) PRIMARY KEY, isbn CHAR(10 CHAR), description CLOB, nls_description NCLOB, book_cover BLOB, chapter_title VARCHAR2(30 CHAR), chapter BFILE ) LOB (book_cover) STORE AS blob_seg ( TABLESPACE blob_ts CHUNK 8192 PCTVERSION 0 NOCACHE NOLOGGING DISABLE STORAGE IN ROW) LOB (description, nls_description) STORE AS ( TABLESPACE clob_ts CHUNK 8192 PCTVERSION 10 NOCACHE LOGGING ENABLE STORAGE IN ROW);
INSERT INTO book_samples ( book_sample_id, isbn, description, nls_description, book_cover, chapter) VALUES ( 1, '72230665', 'The essential reference for PL/SQL has been revised and expanded, featuring all new examples throughout based on the new Oracle Database 10g, plus all the book뭩 code and expanded topics are included on the website for download.', EMPTY_CLOB(), EMPTY_BLOB(), BFILENAME('BOOK_SAMPLES_LOC', '72230665.jpg'));
PROMPT PROMPT ** Length of the description column that had a value inserted PROMPT
SELECT LENGTH(description) FROM book_samples;
PROMPT PROMPT ** Update the description column to be EMPTY PROMPT
UPDATE book_samples SET description = EMPTY_CLOB() WHERE description IS NOT NULL;
PROMPT PROMPT ** Length of the description column after updating to empty PROMPT
SELECT LENGTH(description) FROM book_samples;
| |