아래의 스크립트는 주어진 Object의 Dependency Tree를 보여 줍니다. (예를들어 테이블 이라면 외래키로 그 테이블을 참조하고 있는 것들을 보여줍니다.)
set arraysize 1 undefine ObjName accept ObjName prompt "Object Name ? "
column a heading "Object|Name" justify center format a35 column b heading "Constraint|Name" justify center format a35
select lpad(' ',(a.nivel-1)*2)||obj.name a, lpad(' ',(a.nivel-1)*2)||cons.name b from sys.obj$ obj, sys.con$ cons, ( select obj# obj#, con#, level nivel from sys.cdef$ where rcon# is not null AND robj# is not null connect by robj# = prior obj# and robj# != obj# and prior robj# != prior obj# start with robj# = (select obj# from sys.obj$ where name = upper('&&ObjName') AND /* For 7.3 must change the following to: */ /* type = 2 AND */ type# = 2 AND owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID'))) a where cons.con# = a.con# AND obj.obj# = a.obj# AND /* For 7.3 must change the following to: */ /* obj.type = 2 */ obj.type# = 2 UNION ALL select lpad(' ',(a.nivel-1)*2)||obj.name a, to_char(null) from sys.obj$ obj, ( select d_obj# obj#, level nivel from sys.dependency$ connect by p_obj# = prior d_obj# start with p_obj# = (select obj# from sys.obj$ where name = upper('&&ObjName') AND owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID'))) a where obj.obj# = a.obj# AND /* For 7.3 must change the following to: */ /* obj.type != 2 */ obj.type# != 2 /
============== Sample Output: ==============
SQL> @savedscript Object Name ? emp old 17: where name = upper('&&ObjName') AND new 17: where name = upper('emp') AND old 34: where name = upper('&&ObjName') new 34: where name = upper('emp')
Object Constraint Name Name ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- OLCAY_TEST
| |